About Me

Hello, I'm Daegyu Lee (Mikeds) 🖐️

I’m a versatile developer with expertise in all things related to computers.

Now where I am

I was born in Pohang, raised in Daegu, and currently reside in Daegu.

Interests and Hobbies

At the moment, I don’t have any specific personal interests or hobbies. However, I enjoy finding and creating toy projects, and I’m passionate about turning ideas into concrete activities.

Educational Background

I attended Deokwon Middle and High School, completed my associate and bachelor's degree at Yeungnam College of Science & Technology (majoring in advanced courses), and pursued graduate studies in the Computer Science department at Kyungpook National University. Currently, I hold a Bachelor of Engineering degree and am pursuing a master's degree at Kyungpook National University.

My Professional Journey

I have experience in planning and full-stack web development, creating RestAPIs, and contributing to open source projects. I leverage these skills to support students in need, successfully leading projects by learning foundational technologies and applying them effectively.

As an intern at Daegu Big Data Utilization Center, I analyzed the consumer impact of COVID-19 and visualized the findings.

My strength lies in my broad experience across various development fields, enabling me to tackle any project. I thrive on new technologies and challenges, actively engaging in problem-solving.

Key Skills and Expertise:

  • Development and research in Machine Learning.
  • Proficient in Python and full-stack web development.
  • Capable of developing in other fields such as applications.

Notable Projects and Experiences:

  • Awarded in software testing competitions for two consecutive years.
  • Served as development lead in a club, enhancing members' development skills and spearheading external QA assignments.
  • Visualized the consumer impact of COVID-19 using card transaction and telecom movement data at Daegu Big Data Utilization Center in 2020.

Purpose of This Blog

The primary purpose of this blog is to document my development records (TIL) and contributions to various projects, serving as a space to represent myself.

Through this blog, I aim to share who I am, communicate via email and social media, and engage with my audience.

Contact Information

Feel free to reach out to me via email at Mikeds0222@gmail.com.

Call to Action (CTA)

I encourage visitors to explore my site to learn about my experiences and projects, and I am keen to share my problem-solving journeys, particularly in fixing errors.

“The manners makes man”

Thank you for stopping by! I hope you enjoy your time here.